Pepe Una
4 min readFeb 5, 2023


Here are the numbers with sources...


American continent, until 1691, 130 million

Note this detail: "the depopulation of the Americas may have inadvertently allowed the Europeans to dominate the world. It also allowed for the Industrial Revolution and for Europeans to continue that domination."

India, 1881-1920, 100 million

Congo Free State, 15 millions

Under Leopold II of Belgium the population loss in the Congo Free State is estimated at sixty percent where up to 15 million people were killed.

Worldwide by USA, after WW2, 20 million

Atlantic Slave Trade, 16th-19th centuries, 15 million

Canadian scholar Adam Jones characterized the mass death of millions of Africans during the Atlantic slave trade as a genocide due to the fact that it was "one of the worst holocausts in human history" because it resulted in 15 to 20 million deaths

The Global Silver Trade, 16th-19th centuries, 8 million

In the Americas, silver mining at Potosi led to widespread human misery, including the deaths of 8 million slaves.

British Empire, pre-1945, 150 million

Similar to the European Colonization of The Americas, the death toll under the British Empire is estimated to be as high as 150 million.

WW1 casualties of non western population, 1914-1918, 9 million

WW2 casualties of non western population, 1939-1945, 61 million

Vietnam War 1955 - 1975 1.3 million

Crusades, 1095 - 1291, 1 million

TOTAL: 510 million

Please note this is not an exhaustive research, I have researched only mayor conflicts/genocides with more than 1 million deaths and I haven't found many sources about deaths of indigenous people of the American continent after 1691. The total death toll caused by western world is probably higher.


Chinese Warring States 1.500.000

Qin's Wars of Unification 70.000

Three Kingdoms War 40.000.000

Yellow Turban Rebellion 7.000.000

An Lushan Rebellion 36.000.000

Goguryeo–Sui War 300.000

Song–Đại Việt war 600.000

Transition from Ming to Qing 25.000.000

White Lotus Rebellion 100.000

Taiping Rebellion 70.000.000

Red Turban Rebellion (1854–1856) 1.000.000

Miao Rebellion 4.900.000

Punti–Hakka Clan Wars 1.000.000

Panthay Rebellion 1.000.000

Dungan Revolt 20.000.000

Boxer Rebellion 100.000

1911 Revolution 220.000

Chinese Civil War 11.692.000

Second Sino-Japanese War 25.000.000

Japanese invasions of Korea 1.000.000

Sino-Burmese War 70.000

Tây Sơn rebellion 2.000.000

First Sino–Japanese War 48.311

First Indochina War 400.000

Mao Zedong 65 million (

TOTAL: 314 million


NOTE: In order to emphasize the difference between China and the West [and also due to lazyiness :)], for China I have counted casualties from all conflicts including internal ones which happened inside China, while for the West I have excluded the death tolls of internal conflicts (e.g. American Civil war, western casualties in WW1 and WW2, many wars in Europe). If we would calculate this using the same criteria for both empires, China’s death count would be even less.


From a quick look at the numbers, it's far less than 500 million. I did an effort to sum it for west and China, please be a sport and you do the calculation for Russia.

To answer your questions...

1) It's not just people killed in some distant past, USA alone has killed more than 20 million people, 4 million of them in the last few decades. Besides that, they have invented the most destructive weapon known to humankind and the only country which have used it. In all the history of USA there has been only 15 years without being involved in a conflict. Just in the last decade, more than 38 million people have been displaced from their homes due to the wars waged by the USA.

Furthermore, USA has "rocket", "bombs", "blood", "war" and "conquer" in its national anthem, they teach little children to sing about rockets and bombs while celebrating it with firework explosions and broadcast this publicly. A national anthem is “a patriotic musical composition symbolizing and evoking eulogies of the history and traditions of a country or nation” which means “rocket”, “bombs”, “blood”, “war” and “conquer” are USA tradition.

They have put their chess pieces in Ukraine several years ago and have "fuck the EU" (literal quote from te conversation) attitude towards their allies:

Their CIA agent acknowledged they are lying and planting disinformation:

Why woud you trust that an empire like this didn't incite the war in Ukraine? If we look at the historic and current facts it's far more plausible they did instead of didn't.

Plus you're projecting here. Advocating for the west to stop their expansionist policy with the agenda of global dominance doesn't equal support for their enemies. I completely condemnd the Russian actions and the war in Ukraine, but the western quest for dominance has wastly shaped the global geopolitics and brought a lot of misery to humanity. After all of that they claim to have a moral highground. Whatever happens in Ukraine, until the west stops pretending they are above others, stops their quest for dominance, acknowledges their crimes and takes responsibility for it, there will be no global peace.

2) No Nazis shouldn't have won the WW2. That's another damage the west did to humanity where they killed more than 70 million people. Thank you for pointing that out. If we add to that 40 million people of WW1 (both WWs have been started by the western powers), we get a total of more than 540 million people who died because of the western empire. That’s far beyond any other empire in human history. And we still didn’t count all the internal wars and conflicts between countries of the west.

3) Of course not, it's a western saber which they rattle (mostly USA) all around the world in their quest for global dominance.



Pepe Una

Giving more than half of my income to exploited people. You should too. IT professional, self sustainability, eco farm, minimalism. Learning life without money